Monthly Archives: February 2020

Love… Exciting And New!

tedlangeBack in the 1980′s, when I watched TV on the weekends, there was no one cooler on The Love Boat than Isaac Washington, the bartender played by Ted Lange. Whitney Matheson actually made this cool bad drawing that you see above. She is a pop culture junkie who used to write for USA Today. The newspaper let her go, but she still writes about the coolest books, movies, bands, etc., and emails her findings to people like me. Two weeks ago she included audio from The Love Boat, and promised listeners a bad drawing of Ted Lange if anyone mentioned it in a reply email. So I did. And then she did. Here it is!

Keep It Tuned To…

lesandjohnnythis blog to hear the the next episode of THE EPILOGUE CABIN! It’s a new podcast that will grab you, keep you in suspense, and leave you breathless!!! The next show features a conversation with Daylene! here’s a sample of what you’ll hear: