Monthly Archives: May 2019

Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em

lbj smokingthis week the west wing weekly podcast talked about presidental m&m’s that are given away as souvenirs at the white house– then they revealed that before 1988 there used to be white house souvenir cigarettes. yep. here’s the info on wikipedia: “under President Kennedy, guests and members of the press who traveled on Air Force One were given packs of 20 cigarettes in a box marked with the Presidential Seal and the signature of the sitting President, along with a matchbook; it became a tradition that all guests on Air Force One would receive a souvenir of their trip.” the m&m’s replaced cigarettes as the standard gift given to white house visitors and air force one passengers… and the boxes are about the size of a packet of cigarettes.Presidential_M&Ms_(the_parting_gift_from_a_West_Wing_tour)_(6976145616)thanks to addiction inbox and wikipedia for the photos. click here to see a pack of white house cigarettes from the reagan administration.

Precious Breakfast Club Moment

preciousbreakfastclubdave harris gave me the heads up on this new precious moments figurine collection. it’s the perfect gift that reflects the criminal, the basket case, the athlete, the princess, and the brain that’s inside every one of us. merry christmas grandma!